

chanchand 2024. 8. 1. 10:20

1. Deploy the machine



2. Reconnaissance

2.1 Scan the machine

nmap -sV -sC > scan_res


http : a web server running apache httpd 2.4.29

ssh : service that enables secure connection between devices



2.2 Gobuster

Gobuster is a tool used to brute-force.


  • mode

dir : Use directory/file enumeration mode


  • flags

-u : The target URL

-w : Path to the wordlist


gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-small.txt



We can see two directories.

→ pannel, uploads




3. Getting a shell

3.1 File upload vulnerability

PHP files are not allowed in this website.


We can use the extensions below instead.



The extension that is allowed is .php5. We can upload reverse shell onto the vulnerable server.




3.2 Reverse Shell

reverse shell →

We need to change the ip and port.

tun0 “ifconfig” in the terminal.


.php5 was accepted by the server.


We need to start our netcat listener in the terminal and click uploaded .php5 file.

Now we are in!



3.3 Find the flag

flag in user.txt

Use find commnad.


  • options

-type f : find a look exclusively for files

-name user.txt : search for a file with the name “user.txt”

2>/dev/null : error messages don’t show up





4. Privilege escalation

4.1 SUID

Search for files with SUID permission.

It is looking for a file with SUID permission that can be run as root.


/usr/bin/python file is weird.


We are a root user.



4.2 Find the root.txt


'report > tryhackme' 카테고리의 다른 글

Ignite  (0) 2024.08.01